Hey Plurk Buddies!
Please check out the new streamlined location that houses the contact information from both of the plurk wikis: The Plurk for Educators Weebly. Sharon Ricks (aka teacherricks) was kind to put that together for us. The comic life on the front cover is very cool and provides excellent tips to new plurkers. As such, we have removed all the previous information from this site.
Feel free to read a little history below.
Mindelei Wuori (most recent admin)
This is a self-professed, blatant all-out "steal" of a great idea begun by Gina Hartman for Twitter users in education.
As a plurker, I thought we plurkers needed one of these for us. I've even "borrowed" her very well done directions: This wiki was created to easily help new teachers (or teachers new to Plurk) connect with other teachers that have the same interests as them (that teach in the same content area). Be sure to check out plurk4educators as well! Check out the list of teachers below.
Hello everyone. I am excited to be taking over this wiki from the great Kymberli Mulford! Acting as an administrator of a wiki can be somewhat time consuming, yet I believe I've up to the challenge! As there have been issues with spammers in the past, it is necessary for you to contact me via email so that I may give you editing privileges.
Mindelei Wuori, Program Coordinator, f2f Program 9-12
Turning Point Learning Center
Emporia, KS
Comments (4)
Steve Katz said
at 9:45 am on Oct 27, 2008
You beat me to the punch. I was going to do the exact same thing. My internet was down on Saturday & by the time it was back you had this up. Great job!
Kymberli Mulford said
at 9:30 pm on Oct 30, 2008
Thanks, Steve! So glad you joined us! Teach42 egged me on, I must say, during the Den Virtual Conference last weekend. I should point out that another wiki was started before this one for the same purpose by wgraziadei. It is located at http://plurk4educators.pbwiki.com/ I am currently pointing people to both places -- since we all have different circles of friends. There has not been much duplication between the lists, as far as I can tell.
Mindelei Wuori said
at 2:57 pm on Oct 31, 2008
I added a category for Pre-Service Teachers at the end. I don't know if you think there is a better location for that to go in the list or not. Please feel free to relocate it as you see fit. :)
Linley Voboril said
at 11:16 am on Nov 8, 2008
This is a fabulous idea!! I didn't know how to make my plurk name my link, so if you want to change it, or tell me how to, I'd be glad to do that! Thanks for setting this up!!
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